Posted by: digitalpelican | November 3, 2009

Creating a Home Disaster Preparedness Kit – Part 1

Lynn Gainy, Project Coordinator for Home Depot, presents Creating a Home Disaster Preparedness Kit.  In this three-part program, Lynn describes her experiences with disaster situations and how we can prepare ourselves for these events.  Individual “grab-and-go” kits, establishing an out of area emergency contact, identifying rendezvous sites, kits for children, and family-size kits in a trash can are some of the topics discussed.  What items to put in your kit, why you need them and suggestions for their use are covered in Lynn’s presentation.

The program is divided into three parts to make online viewing more convenient.  Part 3 closes with recommendations where you can get more information on disaster preparedness in your area.

This program was produced by Ron Powell for Santa Cruz Community Television.

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